Fire Door Surveys

Fire Door Surveying & Inspections

Fire Door Surveying & Inspections. Fire Doors are a critical part of a building’s passive fire protection. Under the Fire Safety Order 2005 fire doors are to be subjected to regular inspections and under the new building safety legislation regular checks are also to be carried out. 

Regular inspections are generally accepted as an annual requirement under the Fire Safety Order with regularly used doors being inspected 3-6 monthly. Under the latest legislation fire doors located within communal parts of residential buildings are to be checked at 3-monthly intervals, with the entrance door to the residential properties being checked annually.

Safeguard Consultancy can complete basic fire doors checks or comprehensively inspect fire doors including, where possible with the original manufacturer’s certification, to ensure that the effectiveness of the door remains intact.

Contact us on the methods below to see how we can assist you.